Zero Emissions Buses
Concept of Operations and Asset Management Strategy
The Zero Emission Buses program will transition the state’s diesel and natural gas public transport bus fleet to zero emissions technology. The staged transition of the 8,000 plus bus fleet will deliver on the NSW Government’s commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Under the Zero Emissions Buses Transition Plan the transition will be complete in Greater Sydney by 2035, in Outer Metropolitan regions by 2040 and in Regional NSW by 2047.
The first stage of the transition will see 1,200 new electric buses for Greater Sydney, with eleven existing bus depots upgraded and one new bus depot built to support the new bus fleet.
Project Description
Scope of Engagement
Transport for NSW
Business Case Support, Technical Writing & Advisory
Axess provided specialist technical writing and advisory services to develop the Greater Sydney and Outer Metropolitan Zero Emissions Buses Concept of Operations and Asset Management Strategy for the Strategic Business Case.