Axess is an accredited Technically Assured Organisation (TAO) and has successfully complied with the TAO requirements outlined by Transport for New South Wales Asset Management Branch (AMB).
Axess started the journey by establishing a strong foundation for our TAO (formerly known as AEO) application by developing an ISO equivalent quality management system that documents our processes and policies. The aim was to achieve a sensible balance of bureaucracy and value add to our activities. In our ongoing development activities, we are aiming for an on-line quality and project management system, that guides our teams progressively through the required processes and one which raises automatic reminders to complete reporting tasks and activities.
The use of an integrated online timekeeping and invoicing system is already keeping administrative tasks to a minimum and helping us to maintain accurate records of activities. Our project managers use the data from our timekeeping, accounting and project database tools to monitor project performance in real time, which enables our teams to focus on the technical aspects of project delivery.
With the solid foundation of a robust quality management system in place, we tackled the challenge of completing the Self-Assessment Checklists relevant for our application as Independent Safety Assessment (AS10) and Safety Engineering and Assurance (AS2).
Last but not least, we gathered the evidence that demonstrates application of our subject matter expertise, competence and management processes.
The journey took the best part of a year and the concerted effort of the entire team. We have used the application process as an opportunity to learn and to install a quality and management system that will add lasting value to the business and that is already fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
The TAO certification allows Axess to deliver rail-based subject matter expertise for engineering projects to Transport for NSW.
TAO certification demonstrates the recognition of an organisation’s rail-based capabilities and it’s proficiency in Asset Management Branch (AMB) and TfNSW engineering management and safety processes. TAO status will enable Axess to deliver systems engineering, safety assurance and asset management processes throughout the entire asset life cycle of rail infrastructure and systems.